Bebaru ni aku pergi Redang Island, Terengganu. Really nice place & really peace of mind. With white sandy beach, clean, crystal water, blue skies & amazing corals. Perfect getaway!. Aku suggest u guys pergi pulau ni. Waktu aku pergi pulau ni aku guna travel agent; Ping Anchorage. From booking & everything mmng tip top service. From Kuala Terengganu to Merang jetty diorang antar & balik from jetty to KT pun diorang amik. B4 balik siap ada driver lagi bawak kitorang pusing2 KT.
By the way, aku ambil package 3d 2n. Tgh ada early birds promotions time tu. Maklum lah March baru pulau ni open setelah dari bulan sep to feb tutup because monsoon. Sbb tu aku pergi pun last kopek nyer promo. RM290 only. Normally price between 300 to 400. And package including chalet & makan minum korang. Berbaloi la.

This pix aku ambil from the top of the small hill of redang next to one of the new chalet there. The view is really breath taking and can see one part of redang.

Yes, my first underwater pix! great experience. Aku sewa the camera from the chalet's mgt. RM30 only for 40 pix. The brand is Sony tapi lupa lah model apa kan.. not bad coz it's including the CD too

From Merang Jetty to the island makan masa lebih kurang dlm 45mins untuk sampai ke island. Jauh jugak aku rasa.

ni bench aku & kengkawan aku slalu lepak petang2. Makan pun kat sini gak. Main beach ball kat depan tu jer. Ni chalet dia, Redang Pelangi. Dive centre pun ado.

Memang best!. Tapi bila dah balik KL menangih aku tengok kaler kulit aku. Hangus siol.. aku burned teruk. Kat sana mmng ada bawak sunscreen sume kejadah tu. Tapi tak terpikir pun nak pakai, coz rasa cam tak kisah jer time kat sana. Sepatut nya hari ni (Sabtu 11th Apr) aku ada fun walk kena join kat The Curve Damansara anjuran BHP.. Orange Run nama programme tu. So, tak dapat join coz nak heal kan kulit aku ni dulu. Dah aku mmng gelap.. bertambah lah golap den ni haaa. Takpe, walau pun gelap tapi best with the priceless get away xperience kat Redang tu. KL mana dapat!
I luuuuuuuuuuuurve so much your entry!!!! Really wanna go there badly!
Yea...yea.... I like your underwater pix too... so amazing Cik Tina!
Cantik sangat!!! Cantik!
Radhi (currently in Kuching, S'wak)
i really suggest this plc for ur next holiday plan. While snorkeling pun korang boleh amik gamba gak .. he he he. Best giler.
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