Thursday, March 24, 2011

How To Get Him Feeling IN LOVE - Not Just Lust

tips saje. kalu yg positif tu mane tau leh amek. lagi pun ni
omputih nyer version, maybe tak sesuai utk diaplikasikan utk
kita yang beradab ketimuran ini. sekian.

If you've ever felt betrayed by
a man because you gave him your heart and soul
and he suddenly told you he's leaving you because
he's "not sure" or because he's found another
woman, I know how devastating that can feel.

I've been in love with men who after a year or
more of being exclusive with me, told me they
never "really loved me" and went on to fall for a
woman I considered not as pretty or "together" as
I was.

I could never figure out why this kept
happening, until I finally learned the REAL
reason men fall in love.

I wrote down the truth of what makes a man
fall for you in this special letter about my
"Modern Siren" program right here, so take a

If you've been trying hard to "impress" a man
because you're very attracted and "into him" and
you want him to be as into you, too, you must
read this email.

That's because I'm going to explain how making
a man feel "safe" is actually the most powerful
way to a man's HEART.

We have been taught to think that the way to a
man's heart is by doing something out of the
ordinary or by pretending to be a perfect
partner, through things like:

-- Making him feel wanted and desired -- Seducing
him -- Looking beautiful, dressing sexy, being
physically alluring -- Making him feel cozy with
candles and a grand dinner -- "Being there" for
him (as in being his free therapist!) -- Buying
him thoughtful gifts -- Being funny, witty, smart
and interesting -- Having things "in common"

And we've been taught WRONG.

Although any of these things will certainly
work to attract a man initially, and make him
interested enough to get to know you better, and
maybe want to sleep with you, it will do NOTHING
to soften a man's heart and make him fall deeply
and madly in love with you.

That's because a man doesn't care if you're
dressed to the hilt every time he sees you.
Sometimes he likes seeing you in your natural,
relaxed "mode." And lust is NOT love.

He doesn't care how many degrees you hold or
how much you make at your job. He just wants to
know that you're happy and love your life.

He doesn't care how many opinions you have or
how many facts you can recite. He may enjoy your
company if you're a great conversationalist, but
he won't want to make you his "one and only".

The way to a man's heart is to make him feel
safe enough to explore and experience his own
inner feelings and emotions.

Men, especially very masculine, doing-oriented
men, are not very good at accessing their
feelings. That doesn't mean they don't have them,
or that they wouldn't want to FEEL something once
in a while. They do, and they want so much, to be
able to feel something with YOU.

But if you don't communicate to him that you
know what you're feeling or that you're
comfortable in your own, feminine skin, he won't
feel comfortable or safe opening up to you,

And if he can't open himself up to you, he
can't fall in love with you. It's as simple as

Here's what makes a man feel UN-SAFE:

-- drama -- pretending -- chasing -- manipulating
-- agendas

It's easy to feel confused about what is
magnetic and juicy emotions and what is "drama."
A man wants to know you're angry when you're
angry and why you're angry. He just doesn't like
it when he THINKS you're angry, but he's not
sure, because you're trying hard to stifle it or
stuff it down. That, to him, is drama.

I wanted to end the confusion and put together
a program that gives women easy-to-understand
Tools and advice on what really attracts a man.
What makes him give his heart over to you? What
makes him want to be around you and make you his

I answer all these questions in my Modern
Siren program.

This program will teach you the secret words
and body language that you can do, starting as
soon as you receive it and start working with the
materials, that will make a man feel utterly
hypnotized by you.

You'll say something and it'll stick in his
mind for days. And he won't know why. It's just
something about the WAY you said it. Or the words
you used.

You'll move in a way that he can't help but
want to get closer, touch you, caress you.
Something will be different about you, and he
won't be able to put his finger on it.

He'll go home after being with you and think
about you over and over. He'll feel himself
growing more attached, more in love, and he won't
be able to explain quite WHY.

That's how he'll suddenly change the way he is
toward you, because he'll just FEEL different
around you, and he'll want to be around you more
than around anyone else.

This will happen because you'll know how to
work with and practice all the Siren Tools in my
Modern Siren CD/DVD program.

I'll teach you what all these Tools are, and
NONE of them are about being "fake" or
manipulating a man. As a matter of fact, my Siren
tools are all about tapping in your authenticity
and letting go of all the myths and untruths
about what you need to DO in order to be
attractive to a man.

You'll love Modern Siren.

I guarantee it, or I'll give you your money

If you want to learn how to be the most
magnetic and alluring woman in your man's life,
click here:

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